Lose Weight with Kalonji Seeds

Kalonji or Nigella Sativa is known to have a number of health benefits and one of them is weight loss. While the seed does help diabetes and people with high cholesterol levels, kalonji is a well known remedy for weight loss.

Packed with nutrients like trace elements, vitamins, aromatic oils, and enzymes. Kalonji also has compounds like  has crystalline nigellone, amino acids, saponin, crude fiber, proteins, fatty acids like linolenic and oleic acids, volatile oils, alkaloids, iron, sodium, potassium and calcium.

What makes it great for weight loss:

kalonji helps reduce central fat (or fat around the belly). People who take seeds as a form of weight loss treatment, lost belly fat within a 15 days , also drop in total weight, blood pressure (systolic) and their waist circumference. And all of this without any side effects. It’s believed that the reason the seeds worked wonders is because of its high fibre content and presence of nigellone.

How to Lose Weight with Kalonji Seeds:

All you need to do is take about four to five seeds, crush them and add the powder to warm water. To this add a squeeze the juice of half a lemon in the water. While lemon is not essential to the process, it does add significant weight reduction properties to the drink, helping in washing out stored waste from the stomach. It also helps reduce the fat around the belly, making this mixture perfect to get those flat abs you’ve always wanted.

A word of caution: Do not have more than four to five seeds in a day. Kalonji seeds tend to aggravatepitta in your body and may lead to the imbalance of the three doshas in the body.
