The Healthiest New Year Resolutions to Stick With

The New Year is going to begin in few hours and the best way to welcome the New Year is to make Healthier New Year resolutions. Yes, this new year, you can make healthier choices and live a happy life.
New Year’s resolutions are like small babies. They are fun to make but remaining committed to them is a bit difficult.  All of us often make a number of New Year resolutions but when it comes to maintaining them, we make excuses. Only a small percentage of people are able to stay true to their resolutions throughout the year as a majority of people stick to their goals only for a small amount of time, maybe a week or a month.

However, this year stop procrastinating and keep your enthusiasm even months after you have swept up the confetti. Today we list top 5 healthiest New Year Resolutions that you can pick up and aim forward to achieve them as well. Here’s a big Cheer to Your Health!

Lose Your Excess Weight

The fact that this is one of the most common New Year Resolutions that a majority of people choose year after year suggests that it is most difficult to stay committed to. However, if you choose to stay true to yourself, you can easily succeed. Do not expect the results overnight as when you require results the next day, desperation to achieve it sets in which strays you from your goals.
To make the plan easier to stick to, use a food journal and keep a track of all the things that you eat in a day. You can even choose to find an exercising partner who will motivate you to keep going.

Stay in Touch With People

Researchers have shown that it’s good for your health to stay connected with people and enjoy strong social ties. A lack of social bond with your family or friends can have an adverse effect on your health similar to alcohol abuse and can even lead to obesity. In this technology era, everybody is so preoccupied with gadgets and technology that they don’t have time to go out and socialize. However, you need to rejuvenate your relationships and enjoy your friends or family company!

Cut Your Stress

We all get energy boosts when under stress, and a little pressure is important to keep us going. But when stress becomes chronic, it can lead to a number of problems such as depression, heart disease, insomnia, obesity and various other problems.
No exercise, long working hours, poor diet and little sleep can contribute to increased stress levels. While we all know that stress is an inevitable part of life but it is vital to stop and relax for a while. Take vacations, socialize, relax and enjoy your sleep because this is what we all deserve and never allow ourselves to have.

Help Others

In today’s fast pace world, we tend to think about ourselves and believe that our happiness is limited to ourselves only. However, you can even achieve real happiness by helping others. Happiness is good for everybody’s health and what’s better than volunteering to help people achieve happiness too? You can make a resolution this year to help others achieve happiness and in the effort find your own happiness too.

Limit your Alcohol Intake

A lot has been written about the benefits you can achieve by consuming a small quantity of alcohol. However, increasing the amount of alcohol consumption can play havoc with your health. Alcohol consumption in excess affects the brain’s neurotransmitters thus increasing the risk of memory loss, depression, and seizures. Avoid indulging in chronic drinking as it leads to a number of diseases, which deteriorate your health.
Most importantly, you should enjoy a sound sleep of 8 hours a day as it can do wonders to your mood and overall health. A lack of sleep is often associated with greater risk of obesity and diabetes. So indulge in your sweet sleep and stop feeling guilty about it!
