Keto Diet – What Is It and Should You Try It?

Have you heard about the Keto Diet? Well, one of the Best dietician in Chandigarh, Dietitian Nalini tell us more about Keto Diet, its benefits and whether you should try it or not.

A Keto diet is known as a low carb diet, where the body is required to produce ketones in the liver, which will be used by the body as energy. It is alternatively also known as low carb high fat, ketogenic diet or low carb diet.

When you regularly eat food which is high in carbs, the body produce insulin and glucose. Since glucose is the primary energy source, fats are not used by the body and hence stored in the tissues. But in the keto diet fat is used as energy by the body. The keto diet is the latest fad as youngsters are using this diet to lose weight and stay in shape. However, before you try a new diet make sure to consult the best dietician in Chandigarh.

A keto diet recommends you to get about 70% of your calories as fat, 25% from protein and the remaining 5% from carbs. So this diet is high in fat and encourages you to eat full-fat yogurt, whipped cream, cheese, butter and more fat laden food. However, high carb foods such as pasta, rice, and other similar food are off limits. The idea here is to keep the carbs to a minimum so that your body gets into a metabolic state called ketosis which will force your body to burn fat as fuel.

Here’s a list of food recommended by the best dietician in Chandigarh which you can eat.

·         Coconut milk
·         Avocado
·         Nuts and nut butter
·         Egg yolk
·         Butter
·         Olive oil
·         Fish
·         Meat
·         Green leafy vegetables
·         Cucumber
·         Brassica veggies
·         Zucchini

Some researchers have even shown that ketogenic diet help lower the risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, epilepsy and more. As a general rule, if you are trying to lose weight, make sure you do not opt for a diet without getting in touch with an experienced dietitian. While keto diet may be beneficial for some, it may not suit others; therefore make sure to consult the best dietitian in Chandigarh before making any drastic diet change.  
