The Diet Which Gets Your Muscle Build

When muscle gain is your initial aim, many active men over 40 require about 3,000 to 3,200 calories per day.
To know more in details, read out the following diet plan for successful muscle strength.


  • 4 eggs (288 calories) omelet with a half cup of sliced green chili peppers (9 calories), 1/2 bit of feta cheese (39 calories), and one-fourth cup of sliced avocados (59 calories): 395 calories
  • 1 cup of oatmeal (150 calories)
Total: 545 calories
In Snacks, you can take nonfat Greek yogurt, almonds, and bananas


  • Grilled chicken breast: 130 calories
  • Spring Onions: 40 calories
  • Quinoa: 220 calories
  • Avocados: 60 calories
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil: 80 calories
Total: 530 calories
In snacks, a protein shake is the best option.
Total: 505 calories


  • Grilled salmon: 132 calories
  • Brown rice: 218 calories
  • 1 tablespoon of olive or canola oil: 120 calories
  • Steamed broccoli: 55 calories
  • Total: 525 calories

Snack #3

 In dinner snack, again protein or almond shake is healthy
Total: 505 calories
So, per day you are consuming 3,085 calories
You can add or minus ingredients in your recipes and calories based on your individualized weight gain calorie requirements.
So are you seriously wanted to gain your muscles? Come to the best dietitian in Mohali- Dietitian Nalini who helps you get your hands on customized diets for men, women, and kids. So get in touch today!!
