Indulge in a Low Guilty diet For Thanksgiving

When it comes to the festive season, there is no such thing that you cannot eat this or you cannot binge on that. You have the freedom to eat to your heart’s delight. If you are staying away from a certain kind of food, for instance, a chocolate cake, it will only make you want to eat it even more. So have you tried the “I can eat this therapy?” It will make you control your eating habits and you will spend less time stressing over food.
Here are few healthy and delicious foods you can enjoy on Thanksgiving and during the upcoming festive season. So let’s dive into making it easy for you to eat healthy during this festivity.

Choose Healthy, Appetizing Apps
Festival season comes loaded with recipes for overindulgence. During this time, you have everything within your reach. Cheese, meats, sweets, and more thus this is not the time to count calories. While it is ok to indulge in a couple of pieces of cheese, it is always better to avoid whole meat. You can even choose a shrimp cocktail over the regular wine as it has fewer calories.

Soup is Great Alternative
If you are hosting a full dinner menu, it is always better to have a super-food soup as a start up option. It has been proved that eating soup prior to the main course helps a person to eat fewer calories.

Not all Dishes are Created Equally
When it comes to traditional Thanksgiving food, remember that everything that is grown green does not mean that it is healthy. If it is smothered with a layer of cheese, heavy cream or loaded with calories, it is always better to keep the serving low. You can always opt for a healthier alternative that has less sugar and low amount of calories. Roasted veggies are always the best alternative to honey glazed carrots and green bean casserole.

Lean Protein Should Be Your Option
Thinking about what should be your best bet? Well, sticking to lean protein should be our choice. Whether you are going in for a vegetarian option, lamb, turkey or ham, choosing the protein option while keeping aside the carb-heavy side will be more satisfying and a great way to eat healthier.

Sides Should Be Chosen Wisely
When picking up sides, pick it up wisely. Sweet potato pie, mashed potato, mac and cheese, chose one that matters you the most. Serve a few tablespoons and savor them slowly. Always choose the healthier alternative that is stuffed with nutrients and enjoy your meal by dressing it up with olive oil.

Indulge in Dessert, Consciously
The Thanksgiving party is not the right time to indulge in your favorite dessert, so make sure you skip it. However, if you still want to indulge in something sweet, get your hands on the apple crisp pie. A pumpkin pie is also a great option.

It is always better to eat the right portion and keep yourself in control when it comes to festive eating. Eating the right servings keeps your weight and health in control. For more on health, fitness and diet advice, get in touch with Dietitian Nalini.
