How your lifestyle affect blood sugar

Are you diabetic? Yes! then all you should familiarize with day-to-day factors which really affects your blood sugar level.
Do you know that an individual suffering from diabetes should intake balanced and healthful diet without giving up the foods they like? The essential elements in a workable diabetes diet include moderation and careful food selection to control your healthful blood sugar levels.

Keeping your blood sugar levels within the figures suggested by physicians can be challenging for every diabetic person. Though, it is essential for an individual with diabetes to take advice to a physician or dietician before making any significant dietary changes.
That's because many factors make your blood sugar levels fluctuate, yes sometimes unusually. The following are some factors that can really affect your blood sugar levels.


Insulin and other diabetes doses are patterned to control your blood sugar levels when both diet and workout aren't enough for managing diabetes. But the potency of these doses relies on the timing and size of the medication and you take it for conditions other than diabetes also can affect your blood sugar levels.


Healthy eating is a part of healthy living both with and without diabetes. But if you are diabetic you require to know how foods disturb your blood sugar levels. It does not depend only on the type of food you eat but also how much you eat and the merger of food types you intake. 


Doing physical tasks is another significant part of your diabetes control plan. When you are doing a workout, your muscles use glucose for efficiency. Daily physical exercises also assist your body use insulin more efficiently.
These factors work simultaneously to main your blood sugar level. The harder your workout, the longer the effect lasts. But even easy activities like sweeping, gardening or being on your feet for extended periods can boost your blood sugar.


Limited amounts of alcohol also cause blood sugar to rise while alcohol in excess can actually decrease your blood sugar level. Sometimes causing it to drop suddenly into dangerous levels, especially for a diabetic patient suffering from type 1 diabetes. Moreover, wine, beer, or alcohol prompts your cravings, which can force you to overeat and may highly affect your blood sugar level.


When you're ill, your body develops stress-related hormones that assist your body in conflict with the illness, but they also can increase your blood sugar level. Fluctuations in your appetite and normal movement also may change in the blood sugar level.

Menstruation or Menopause

Variations in hormone levels the week before and during menstruation can result in important changes in blood sugar levels.
…and similarly in the few years before and during menopause, hormone changes provide output in uncertain fluctuations in blood sugar levels that complicate diabetes control.
The more you know about components that influence your blood sugar level, the more you can expect variations and even plan accordingly.
So, if you're having any difficulty in keeping your blood sugar level in your target range, ask your Dietitian Nalini at +919780643002 or visit at her Be-Lite Diet Clinic in Panchkula.
